Now, typing w3m will display the image in terminal. You then need to disable the external image viewer wither by passing -o ext_image_viewer=0 or by going into the options menu ('o') inside w3m and disable external image viewing.

The relevant packages to install are w3m and w3m-img (on Ubuntu at least). While the main purpose of w3m is to provide in-console web browsing, it can also be used to view images in terminal. Kitty also enables image previews within ranger (a terminal file manager), which is the method I currently use the most often (works within tmux). The all around terrific terminal emulator kitty has an icat command to display images (does not work within tmux). It also has a fallback mode to display blocky ascii images. Viu is an image viewer that can display images using either the kitty, iterm, or libsixel approach.