If she asks for help from other people over matters you could easily solve or assist her with, it could mean she is trying to avoid you. If you get the feeling that she is doing this repeatedly and knowingly, it is a sign that she has fallen out of love with you. That being said, you need to be careful while assessing this situation.

This could be because she knows she will need a strong support system when the marriage ends. She may also be making new friends and hanging out with them instead of you. It may mean that she is contemplating what a relationship with that other person could look like. If your wife is constantly talking about someone she met at work or at the gym, it is not a good sign.

If a woman stops doing that, it may mean that she has fallen out of love with her husband. In a healthy marriage, the husband and wife open up about all aspects of their life with each other, from what’s stressing them out to what their future plan is. Has your wife been emotionally distant lately? Do you have difficulty understanding what’s going on with her? Do you feel like there’s a big emotional wall between you two? All these signs may mean that she doesn’t love you anymore. If your wife dismisses your suggestions and attempts to fix the issues in your marriage, it may mean that she has ended the marriage in her mind already. However, a woman stuck in a marriage with a man she doesn’t love anymore will avoid fixing anything about the failing marriage.

When two people love each other, they are ready to do anything to resolve any issues in their marriage. When a woman cheats on her husband, it is because she doesn’t love and respect him anymore. This is a definite sign that your wife doesn’t love you anymore and your marriage is in trouble.