Better synchronization of VFX and sounds for sparks particle systems.Fixed some clipping animation on walkers raising up from eating.

Fixed takedown animations that could sometimes be misaligned when attacking from the sides of enemy AI.Fixed a crash that could happen sometimes if a player stayed on idle for a long time.

Fixed several issues in matchmaking and loading flows that could prevent entering the levels in some cases.Fixed a crash that could occur for players dropping in levels with more than 100 walkers active.Fixed an issue with which you could unlock Reina's knife skins by collecting Heather's lore items.Fixed several lighting issues that would render some spots in the levels either too dark or too bright.Fixed issues with decals not being properly drawn over transparent surfaces (glass).Fixed several objects, decals and shadows "popping" on distance.Fixed floating and clipping objects in different levels.Fixed several issues with gas pumps and cans in Accord Oil levels.Fixed the randomization on the locks for weapon and mod chests that could sometimes prevent players from opening them.Fixed an issue of walkers not spawning when players were in specific locations across different levels.Fixed several "collision traps" in different levels.